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Inclusive Religious Education Policy Paper


We offer nine proposals to improve religious education.

1. Require all state schools to deliver one hour of religious education a week to all KS3 students and offer GCSE Religious Studies to all KS4 students.

2. Require all academies and faith schools to teach a balanced religious education curriculum.

3. Amend the English Baccalaureate to require students to take one of GCSE History, Geography, or Religious Studies.

4. Reinstate the bursary granted to those studying a course related to religious education which leads to qualified teacher status.

5. Ensure that minority religions such as Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism are represented on SACREs in every local authority.

6. Revoke the right of parents to withdraw their children from religious education lessons.

7. Ensure all schools make provisions for spaces in which religious students and staff members can worship during the school day, where required.

8. Ensure all faith schools are truly safe and tolerant environments for non-religious students and staff members where participation in collective worship is voluntary.

9. Direct Ofsted to give special priority to the inspection of the religious inclusivity of all schools under its remit.


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